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Articles with this tag
Master buttons in HTML and form input types like checkboxes, drop-down menus, password, text, email, number, file, textarea, calenda, and radio button ·...
Learn HTML Tables from scratch including table tags, table heading tags, table row tags, table data tags, and table formatting. · A quick refresher from...
Learn HTML Ordered lists, unordered Lists, and Description Lists. · For a quick review of our previous article, let's take the following quiz: Refresher...
Format text using div and span, and tags like bold, italic, small, big, superscript, subscript, mark, deleted, underline, and monospaced tags. · Before...
Media Files can add engagement to a web page. We Learn how to add them using relative paths as well as add functionality to them using attributes. ·...
Html stripped to the bare bones and dumbed down for in-depth understanding. · What is HTML? HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is used to instruct the...